What’s the Difference Between Comprehension and Collision Auto Insurance?

If you sometimes confuse collision and comprehensive insurance, you’re not alone. Both are optional coverage types, but they cover completely different circumstances and events. At Palm Valley Insurance Inc. in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, our knowledgeable agents can help you understand both types of coverage and add them to your existing auto insurance policy.

What Is Collision Insurance?

Collision insurance will pay to repair or replace your car if you’re in an accident with another car or an object. For example, if you hit a tree, collision insurance will reimburse you for the cost of repairing your car. Similarly, if you hit another car, this coverage will help you fix damage to your own vehicle.

What Is Comprehensive Insurance?

Comprehensive insurance will pay for car repair or replacement following an accident that doesn’t involve a collision. If your vehicle is damaged by fire, falling objects, or natural disasters, it’s probably covered by a comprehensive insurance policy. Additionally, if your car is stolen or vandalized, you can rest easier knowing you have comprehensive insurance to cover it.

Comprehensive vs. Collision Insurance: Understanding the Differences

To understand the difference between comprehensive and collision insurance, you need to understand the circumstances each covers. Meanwhile, collision insurance pays for damages when you’re in control, providing comprehensive coverage for events outside your control. Both policies have exclusions and limitations. They will not pay for the cost of property damage or bodily injury handled by other types of insurance. Additionally, neither of these types of insurance will pay for damage due to mechanical breakdowns, depreciation, or wear and tear on your vehicle.

Investing in both comprehensive and collision insurance can help you recover from financial losses due to an accident. Make an appointment with an agent at Palm Valley Insurance Inc. in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL today for a free quote!